
Books by Mark Bodnarczuk. Click a cover to learn more.
Finding New Life After the Death of My SonIsland of Excellence Mark BodnarczukMaking Invisible Bureaucracy visible mark bodnarczukThe Breckenridge Enneagram Mark BodnarczukThe Rise of the Standard ModelDiving In Mark Bodnarczuk

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Below is a sample of the books from which Bodnarczuk’s biblical world view emerged. Echoing Thomas Kuhn’s, Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the historical development of the heliocentric view of our solar system, Bodnarczuk swapped-out the underling ontology of modern science, organizational and leadership development, and Jungian psychology for a historical-grammatical view of the Bible.

For Bodnarczuk, there are three empirical consequences of sin. First, we are alienated from ourselves – “we live in the three-pound universe between our ears and it’s amazing how little most people know about themselves.” Second, we are alienated from others, who are alienated from themselves. And third, and most importantly, we are alienated from the sovereign-suffering God who created and sustains the universe.

Mark describes it this way, “When we look within, we sense a common human experience of God working in our hearts and minds as a deep and abiding feeling that we have a destiny along the Inner Labyrinth that’s revealed through the Self (Imago Dei) in our dreams, and that we create our own destiny along the Outer Labyrinth with our day-to-day choices, with both happening together at the same time.”

Biblical Studies and Theology
Old Testament SurveyNew Testament SurveySignature classicsSurprised by JoyThe Four LovesEvery Good EndeavorThe Meaning of MarriageOn DeathCounterfeit GodsThe Reason for GodThe Prodigal GodMaking Sense of GodDwight L. MoodySurprised by ScriptureScripture and the Authority of GodNew Testament DocumentsNew Testament HistoryJewish Backgrounds of the New TestamentCustoms and ControversiesEncountering the New TestamentJewish Backgrounds of the New TestamentTopical analysis of the BibleTheological Dictionary of the New TestamentChosen but freeTHe Life and Times of Jesus the MessiahThe book of JobThe Gospel of the KingdomThe Kingdom of GodJesus and the Message of the New TestamentThe parablesOrthodoxyHereticsWhat's Wrong with the WorldCreation and fall temptationCreated in God's imageThe Parables of JesusSoul SurvivorReaching for the invisible GodbonhoefferWhen God Talks BackThe Death of SatanBeyond Liberalism and FundamentalismFundamentalism And the Word of GodArminian TheologyAgainst CalvinismFor Calvinism


Forgive for GoodForgiveThe End of MemoryTHe future without forgivenessExploring forgivenessForgivenessDimensions of forgiveness

Processing Grief, Suffering, and Loss

Walking with godThe Gift of Painsuffering is never for nothingThe problem of painSuffering and the sovereignty of GodThe wounded healerMan's search for meaningLament for a sonThe importance of sufferingThe Denial of DeathThe Unspeakable LossFinding MeaningThe Psychology of Ultimate ConcernsGrief Counseling and Grief TherapyMotherhood MissedBereavement, Studies of Grief in Adult Life

Jungian Psychology

CG JungMemories, Dreams, ReflectionsMan and his symbolsModern Man in Search of a soulThe Red Book CG JungThe undiscovered selfAnswers to JobBoundaries of the soulThe symbolic questTransformationEgo and ArchetypeThe Christian ArchetypeBlue FireJung, His life and workC.G. JungEncounters with the soulBrothers and SistersaxiomInner WorkChildren's DreamsDream InterpretationDreamsHomerMaps of meaning

Personality Type

The Wisdom of the EnneagramThe 9 ways of workingUnderstanding yourself and othersThe Spiritual Dimensions of the enneagramCharacter and NeurosisFacets of UnityRoad Back to YouEnergies and Patterns in Psychological TypesJung's TypologyGifts DifferingTypeTalkPersonality Type: an owner's manual

Psychology and Neo-Freudian Existentialism

The Psychology of every day lifeThe interpretation of dreamsThe EgoThe Freud Jung LettersOn becoming a personClient Centered TherapyMotivation and PersonalityTowards a Psychology of BeingReligions, Values, and Peak ExperiencesThe Interpersonal Theory of PsychiatryThe discovery of the UnconsciousHow does analysis cure?The Restoration of the selfCognitive behavior therapyDbt skills training manualTo have or to beThe Sane SocietyMan's search for himselfThe Courage to CreatePower and InnocenceThe cry for mythThe Meaning of PersonsSolitudeJungThe Road Less TraveledThe People of the LieThe Principles of PsychologyVarieties of Religious ExperienceSources of the SelfA Secular AgeThe Structure of Awareness

Neuroscience and the Philosophy of Mind

The Emotional Brainsynaptic selfAffective NeuroscienceThe Neurospsychology of AnxietyBrain ArchitectureThe Feeling of What HappensDid my neurons make me do it?Bodies and Souls or spirited bodies?The self and its brainMatter and consciousnessBeyond PhysicalismIrreducible MindConsciousness Unbound

Leadership, Organizational Development, and Culture Change

Leading ChangeDesigning OrganizationsDesigning Organizations for High PreformanceThe 7 habits of highly effective peoplePrinciple centered leadershipThe 5th DisciplineLeading MindsEmotional IntelligenceTransitionsmanaging transitionsGood to GreatGood to Great and the social sectorsOrganizational Culture and LeadershipCorporate Culture Survival GuideKnowledge for ActionOvercoming Organizational Defenses

History and Philosophy of Science

The Structure of ScienceThe Origins of Modern SciencePhysics and PhilosophyThe Blind WatchmakerIntelligent DesignDangerous IdeaThe God DelusionThe Dawkins DelusionCosmic CodeFrom Atoms to QuarksGod ParticleThe Hunting of the QuarkTHe Rise of the Standard ModelA Brief History of TimeOrigin of SpeciesThe Selfish GeneOnly a TheoryBeamtimes and a LifetimeFermilabThe Structure of Scientific RevolutionsRepresenting and InterveningThe Social Construction of what?How Experiments EndImage and LogicThe Disunity of ScienceBig ScienceThe Language of GodBeliefDecoding the Language of GodThe Psychology of ScienceQuantum RealityComing to Peace with ScienceRelativityThe world as I see itAtom and Archetype
Mark B horizontal photo
Thomas’ death changed the direction of Mark’s life where God is using the seedbed of his grief, pain, and loss-inflicted wounds to transform him into a wounded healer.
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