Recommended Books
Below is a sample of the books from which Bodnarczuk’s biblical world view emerged. Echoing Thomas Kuhn’s, Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the historical development of the heliocentric view of our solar system, Bodnarczuk swapped-out the underling ontology of modern science, organizational and leadership development, and Jungian psychology for a historical-grammatical view of the Bible.
For Bodnarczuk, there are three empirical consequences of sin. First, we are alienated from ourselves – “we live in the three-pound universe between our ears and it’s amazing how little most people know about themselves.” Second, we are alienated from others, who are alienated from themselves. And third, and most importantly, we are alienated from the sovereign-suffering God who created and sustains the universe.
Mark describes it this way, “When we look within, we sense a common human experience of God working in our hearts and minds as a deep and abiding feeling that we have a destiny along the Inner Labyrinth that’s revealed through the Self (Imago Dei) in our dreams, and that we create our own destiny along the Outer Labyrinth with our day-to-day choices, with both happening together at the same time.”