The Breckenridge Enneagram Mark Bodnarczuk
PUBLISHED: April 14, 2009

The Breckenridge Enneagram: A Guide to Personal and Professional Growth

When we are finally old enough to realize that we have a personality, it’s too late to have a hand in fashioning it. The Breckenridge Enneagram is a state-of-the-art, in-depth guide to understanding the key elements of your personality and for facilitating deep, sustainable personal and professional growth. Most people writing about or teaching the Enneagram today trace their roots either directly or indirectly to the work of Claudio Naranjo. A number of popular authors have contributed to the evolution of Enneagram theory, but much of this work has been based on a theoretical foundation of spiritual and metaphysical principles. The Breckenridge Enneagram is set apart from other approaches to understanding and utilizing the nine personality types by its unique focus on a naturalistic, scientific view of personality and psychological processes that are linked to modern advances in the neurosciences. Whether you’re a therapist, type professional, teacher, or serious student of the Enneagram, this book will change the way you see yourself, others, and the world around you.

"In a sea of books that tend to present themselves as solving the personality mysteries of mankind, it's good to find one that explains straightforward, valuable information about what makes us tick. The down to earth nature of Mark Bodnarczuk's Breckenridge Enneagram opens our eyes to the truth of the interaction between ourselves and the world around us, and affords the opportunity to make real changes in our lives."
MarkS. Majors, Ph.D., author of, Dichotomies for Dyads
"Bob Dylan penned,'You can never wrap your mind around every conceivable point of view.' However, Mark Bodnarczuk has done just that relative to the Enneagram in offering a complete examination and explanation - the result - the Breckenridge Enneagram. I am particularly impressed with how the model assists with the transformation process '...moving toward Authenticity in Context, where we discover and concretize our individual answer to the collective existential questions of life.' I am an ardent advocate of living the question. Bodnarczuk provides a framework and a tool that enable me to live my questions with deeper intensity and clearer purpose."
Richard Bents, Ph.D., Partner, Future Systems Consulting
"Bodnarczuk has filled an important gap in the field of Enneagram studies, providing a naturalistic rather than spiritual basis for the phenomenon of the nine personality types. As an Enneagram 5, I appreciate the book's careful exploration of both the psychological and spiritual original sources, from Maslow to Naranjo. And as an MIT grad I know that the Breckenridge Enneagram will appeal to scientists, engineers, and aficionados of management science."
Don Fowke, SM, P.Eng. FCMC, co-founder, New Management Network