Diving In Mark Bodnarczuk
PUBLISHED: March 16, 2009

Diving in: Discovering Who You Are in the Second Half of Life

It’s the second half of your life…what if you were able to make deep, profound, life-altering, and lasting changes?  Diving In is a teaching novel about the Enneagram model of personality. Readers are invited to journey along with nine people who are given a chance to experience deep, sustainable change as they participate in a life-altering workshop that’s combined with a scuba diving expedition in the breathtaking, azure waters of Indonesia. Over six days, they are challenged by their teacher to closely examine the how and why of the lives that they’ve made for themselves. The book offers manageable formulas for creating healthy, growth-oriented relationships; for enhancing creativity and effectiveness; and for surmounting even the most robust personal problems. Diving In will change the way you see yourselves, others, and the world around you.

"Reminiscent of Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Bodnarczuk's new book takes readers on a five-day scuba diving trip through the wonders of Indonesia and into the deepest recesses of their souls. On the surface, Diving In is about the beauty and excitement of scuba diving. Deep down, it's about discovering your true identity."
F.C. Hawkins, author of, Marooned: An Inquiry into Government Business Ethics
"An amazing read. Couldn't put it down and solidified the missing pieces of human awareness in life. Told in a story format, the 'lessons' it teaches will start you on a journey of self enlightenment. A must have if you 'sharpen the saw' in your life. You won't be disappointed."
Michael J. Coogan, author of, Know Your Pig:Playful Relationship Advice for Understanding Your Man (Pig)
"Mark Bodnarczuk uses nine intriguing characters as mouth-pieces who articulate deep principles of psychology and psychological growth in a compelling way. A must read for the business executive who is in the second half of life and wants to focus on what to do with it."
Lee Synnott, former Chairman and CEO of the Ingram Book Group