Making Invisible Bureaucracy Visible: A Guide to Assessing and Changing Organizational Culture
Most managers struggle against the flow of overly complex systems and are frustrated by an invisible force that undermines their attempts to effect positive change. Their instincts tell them that the organization’s structures, systems, and culture are preventing them from getting the results they want, but ‘culture’ has remained one of the least understood aspects of organizational life – until now. This book reveals how organizational culture can act like an Invisible Bureaucracy™ that frustrates and undermines organizational performance. The author argues that assessing and changing organizational culture is of little value unless it is focused on real business challenges. Understanding how the forces of Invisible Bureaucracy actually work begins to transform ‘culture’ into a reliable resource that can be intentionally used to achieve an organization’s goals and objectives. Like a pair of infra-red glasses allows you to see things at night, the material in this book will make Invisible Bureaucracy visible. Once you’ve learned to ‘see’ differently, you’ll never view organizations (or the people in them) the same way again.