For more than forty years now, Mark Bodnarczuk has been on a journey of faith that’s been like an Inner and Outer labyrinth. The Outer Labyrinth is the destiny that he’s created with his choices in day-to-day life. The Inner Labyrinth is the destiny that he’s had in God from the beginning of time, with both happening together at the same time.
Bodnarczuk sees his path in life as being shaped and defined by three books. “The first book is the Bible that reveals the nature and character of God; the nature and character of human beings; and the scarlet thread of God’s plan of salvation throughout history that culminated in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The second book contains thousands of dreams that I’ve recorded and analyzed; inner images and symbols of transformation that reveal the unfolding patterns of my calling and destiny through what Carl Jung called the individuation process. The third is the book of nature, the history, philosophy, and practice of fundamental physics and cosmology described by the Standard Model – the mechanism through which God spoke the universe into existence 13.8 billion years ago with a Big Bang.”
Bodnarczuk describes what emerged as a biblical worldview. “I’ve lived in an essential-tension between a deep understanding of biblical theology, a historical-grammatical view of the Bible, a personal Christian faith; plus, a body of inner knowledge revealed by recording and analyzing thousands of dreams; combined with a rigorous study of the history, philosophy, and practice of fundamental physics and cosmology from Babylonian astronomy to quantum chromodynamics.”

Initially, these three bodies of knowledge ran on parallel tracks in Bodnarczuk’s heart and mind. But over time, he has internalized, digested, and resolved the issues and conflicts that many people have between modern science and a sovereign-suffering God.

Mark Bodnarczuk is an author, teacher, mentor, and speaker who has published a number of books, and research papers and articles (view them on and He’s spent most of his career working in basic research environments like Fermilab, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University. Mark is also the founder and Executive Director of the Breckenridge Institute, a management consulting firm with a primary focus on organizational and personal transformation in high-tech research environments.
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Thomas’ death changed the direction of Mark’s life where God is using the seedbed of his grief, pain, and loss-inflicted wounds to transform him into a wounded healer.

Resources title

Thomas Dimension™
Keeping the memory of Thomas alive for 100 years.

Thomas Dimension
snorkeling mark bodnarczuk
Mark is also a scuba diver who had logged over 400 logged dives in places like Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Red Sea, Fiji, Cozumel, the Big Island of Hawaii, Palau, Australia, and Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. “But I’m also an inner diver who continues to explore and map out the uncharted depths of my psyche using a biblical approach to Jung’s psychology. I’ve recorded and analyzed more than 2,500 dreams over the last 44 years, had over 300 hours of analysis with four Jungian analysts, and I’m a member of the International Association for Jungian Studies.”

Thomas Dies

Mark is a husband to Elin Larson, and the father of Thomas Larson Bodnarczuk who is “forever 18” and at home with his Father in heaven. Thomas came home from work at 9:10 PM on Saturday, May 1, 2021. Mark and his wife Elin chatted with him about how things went at work and then he went to his room.

Thomas wanted to calm his fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic that quarantined him in his home, and other things that 18-year-olds care too much about in a world gone mad. He took what he thought was a prescription Xanax pill that he bought on Snap Chat for fifteen dollars. But it was a counterfeit pill that contained over three-times the lethal dose of fentanyl. He died in his bed at about 10 PM that night. Mark and his wife Elin found Thomas’ cold, lifeless body on Sunday May 2, 2021, when they went to wake him for their on-line church service.

“Thomas’ death changed the direction of my life – a process I describe in my memoir, Finding New Life After the Death of My Son. In a sense, I’ve switched roles with Thomas. Normally, children carry-on the legacy of their parents. But now I feel a sense of duty and calling to carry my son’s memory forward so that every time his name is mentioned, and someone is moved or changed by his story, Thomas still has a real impact on life.”

Mark also feels called to warn others about the dangers of the recreational use of prescription medications, and self-medicating in the age of counterfeit pills and fentanyl poisoning. With an estimated 250 million counterfeit pills in circulation in the United States, thousands of unsuspecting victims like Thomas are poisoned each year by this dark crime.

So, how does one survive the death of a child, and hold on to a deep, personal faith in a sovereign-suffering God? How does a grieving parent find a new sense of meaning and purpose in life without the physical presence of the child they love? Mark describes the process of surviving the death of his son, Thomas, of finding new life, and a vision for the journey home in his memoir, Finding New Life After the Death of My Son: Grace and Forgiveness in the Age of Counterfeit Pills and Fentanyl Poisoning. “I feel called to share my journey of inner healing and transformation, where God is using the seedbed of my grief, pain, and my loss-inflicted wounds to transform me into what Jung called a wounded healer. I don’t know where God is leading me on the rest of my journey home, but I refuse to squander the gift of pain and grief that Thomas’ death has given me.”