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The Beached White Male: S5E53 – Grace and Forgiveness in the Age of Fentanyl Poisoning with Mark Bodnarczuk

September 19, 2024

Ken welcomes Mark Bodnarczuk back to the podcast.  As he shared with Ken in March of this year, the fentanyl crisis in our country is real – and made an unwelcome visit to his home. Thomas, Mark’s then 17-year-old son, took a pill he bought on the Internet that he believed was  Xanax. He died a short time after swallowing the tablet. The autopsy showed that it was fentanyl – a deadly dose in a single pill. It’s the subject of his new book (to be released October 15) – Finding New Life After the Death of My Son: Grace and Forgiveness in the Age of Counterfeit Pills and Fentanyl Poisoning. Mark shares his faith journey, and the impact of this unthinkable tragedy on his understanding of God, the Bible, science, and his years of therapy. A graduate of a Christian school (Wheaton College), his career has taken him to Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, which is currently building the largest digital camera for space exploration ever made. Mark’s keen interest in science, from the atom to the cosmos has also been influenced by the work of famed psychologist Carl Jung. Mark shares how psychology and science have shaped his faith, his love for the Bible, and his capacity to forgive. It’s a very personal story that takes us from the courtroom to the mountains of Colorado to the labyrinth – both inner and outer. Ken and Mark talk about significant authors including C.S. Lewis, Tim Keller, John Ortburg, and Philip Yancey (who write the Foreword to Mark’s book)

About Mark

Mark Bodnarczuk

Thomas’ death changed the direction of Mark’s life where God is using the seedbed of his grief, pain, and loss-inflicted wounds to transform him into a wounded healer.

Read Mark’s Full Bio

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